
You know how some people bite their nails compulsively? Mine is to put fingers to keyboards or pencil to paper. I’m surrounded by journals, notebooks, computer files and and post-it notes. It has been a lifetime of collecting information and conversation. I do write fiction, purely fabricated stories — like my screenplays and children’s chapter books — but mostly, I record people, events and emotions. Over my desk, there is a sign that a dear friend made for me that reads: “I cannot make this crap up.” It has been my motto since childhood.  I have family members who sleep with one eye open (with GOOD reason), knowing that I’ve also been taking copious notes since I was nine years old.

The one thing I’ve said repeatedly, is that I steep on everything I hear and see, and I’ve promised to serve it all up strong, but never bitter.  have questioned whether I will or won’t name names… but if someone recognizes themselves in what I present at the table — that’s on them.  As Anne Lamott so deliciously said, “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people  wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” Thank you, Anne. I absolutely own it and I’m writing it.

At the moment, my words are floating around the universe and I want to capture some of the titles here. It’s a much better gathering place than the binders, boxes and surfaces of my office.

Screenplays – Features

Angie, Baby (Horror) / DOuG (Family)


No Family Tree (Chapter Book) / Ghost in the Key of A (Chapter Book) / Miss L’eau (Chapter Book) / DOug (Chapter Book) / Fallon Hotel (YA)

Reality Television

Forgotten Files (Crime Procedural) / Two Chicks and a Truck (DIY)

Advice Column

Afternoon T. (Newspaper)

Scripts – Shorts

I Spy a Foodie (Dark Comedy) / Azteca Dietica (Dark Comedy)

In Progress…

Moon Over Okami (Feature Film) / As I Saw It (Play)